11 2019

image: concrete ICANN
is the internet’s
ICANN corrupt?
image: parc AE
a colleague and
a petzval lens
image: L L
op gaalgebierg mat
mengem petzval
image: lëtzebuerg lëtzebuerg
bei d’lëtzebuergesche
image: esch/uelzecht esch/uelzecht
exploring the
petzval 58 bokeh
image: concrete general election
uk general election
2019, third thoughts
image: L L
image: esch uelzecht park greener commute
switching to a
greener commute
image: esch/uelzecht petzval 58
experimenting with
a new portrait lens
image: L L
at the local
christmas market
image: fiat 500 motor show
a very disappointing
motor show
image: a car crash victim gets medical attention photographer x
testing accident
rescue services
image: concrete general election
uk general election,
2nd thoughts
image: esch-sur-alzette deguerrotype
experimenting with
a deguerrotype lens
image: parc AN
a colleague and
a deguerrotype lens
image: photo diapositives diapositives
patrick le
petit garagiste
image: parc parc
taken with a
deguerrotype lens
image: concrete general election
uk general election
2019, first thoughts

image: 2019 10 10 2019