The Galactic Hub are, apparently, a collection of players building stuff on planets together. I got an invite to give it a go, so I built this base on one of their planets in Euclid. I received and overwhelming total of zero comments in feedback. This is probably because I quite naughtily built without planning permission.

I started off by building a café, but cafés and restaurants are two a penny in NMS. I’ve built a number myself, most of which have since been destroyed. I still wanted this base to exist, but not to be entirely me–too, so I bankrupted the business.

I hadn’t realised at the time that the public toilets were run by a criminal organisation, feeding a foul fertiliser addiction, I suspect, and, although the café is long gone, the toilets remain in operation.

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot

image: no man's sky screenshot